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Prague, Czech Republic

 Prague, Czech Republic.

Of all the European cities completely overrun and gutted by tourists, Prague is my favourite. I figured I’d kick this list off with a backhanded compliment. But really, when you wade through the overweight British girls on their gap year, Prague’s Old Town is charming. Its vistas are beautiful. And its culture is a nice blend of the best of East and West. Prague is backpacker and tourist hell at times, particularly in the summers. But if you’re willing to get a little adventurous, to stray off the beaten path, to lean into the language barrier and try your luck out in the outskirts of town, you’ll be rewarded with friendly locals, beautiful women, underrated food, and some strong nightlife. Just don’t go to the strip clubs, they’re scams. Wait, what am I saying? Strip clubs everywhere are scams.

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সপ্নপুরী: একটি মহান চিত্তবিনোদন পার্ক যা দিনাজপুর জেলার নবাবগঞ্জের আফতাবগঞ্জে অবস্থিত। এটি একটি থিম পার্ক, যা 9২0 একর এলাকা জুড়ে রয়েছে। প...